Pupil characteristics data was updated on 18th of October. Fixes were applied on 27th of October.
Users trying to access crime and ASB data via the Community Safety profile or the Data Explorer will note that the figures for May 2022, June 2022, July 2022 and August 2022 are currently incorrect and much lower than expected.
This affects both the monthly count / rate and the 12 month rolling count / rate figures.
The reason for this issue is Humberside Police are currently implementing a new crime recording system so are unable to provide complete crime, outcome or stop and search data.
Data will be updated when this work is complete.
Economy & Employment
Claimant Count (September 2022) was updated on 11th of October.
People in Universal Credit (September 2022) was updated on 15th of October.
BRES data was updated on 15th of October.
Annual Population Survey data was updated on 16th of October. Minor fixes were applied on 19th of October.
Children in low income families data was updated on 13th of October. Fixes were applied on 22nd of November.