LSOA Profiles

LSOA Profiles

Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs) are a set of geographies designed specifically for statistical purposes.  In recent years many data sets have become available at this level.

The key feature about LSOAs is that they are a small sub ward geography (average population of 1,600) and their boundaries rarely change. Therefore they are useful if you want to monitor data over time. However, unlike wards, LSOAs do not have meaningful names – they are a set of codes.

There are currently 168 LSOA in Hull.

To view Hull’s LSOA boundaries Open the Hull LSOA Map

To view a detailed profile, for a specific LSOA in Hull, please select one of the following themes:

You can also view similar profiles at the citywide, area committee or ward level (data availability permitting) by selecting the appropriate geography at the top of this page.