Release 1: Total Population and Households
On the 28th June 2022, the Office for National Statistics released the first data from the 2021 Census.
This included data on the following, at local authority level, on Census Day 21st March 2021:
- Total population, by 5 year age group and gender
- Population density
- Number of households
Find out more about the results of this release HERE
Phase 1: Univariate Data and Topic Summaries (November 2022 – January 2033)
ONS will next release eight ‘topic summaries’: sets of univariate data and supporting commentary, grouped by a similar theme. It is expected that these topic summaries will be released as follows:
Theme | Data | Geography | Release |
Demography and Migration | • Gender • Age • Marital and Civil Partnership Status • Household Composition / Living Arrangements • Passports Held • Country of Birth • Year of Arrival • Age of Arrival • Length of Residence |
Output Area (OA) Level | View this Release |
Armed Forces Veterans | • Previously Served in UK Armed Forces | Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) Level | View this Release |
Ethnicity, Nationality, Language and Religion | • Ethnic group • National Identity • Religion • Main Language • Proficiency in English |
Output Area (OA) Level | View this Release |
Labour Market and Travel to Work | • Social Grade • Distance to Work • Hours Worked • Industry • Method of Travel to Work • Occupation • Unemployment History • Economic Activity Status |
Output Area (OA) Level | View this Release |
Housing | • Accommodation Type • Accommodation Tenure • Communal Establishments • Car or Van Ownership • Central Heating • Household Size • Occupied / Unoccupied Housing • Number of Bedrooms / Rooms • Occupancy Ratings • Second Addresses |
Output Area (OA) Level | View this Release |
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity | • Sexual Orientation • Gender Identity |
Local Authority (LA) Level | View this Release |
Education |
• Highest Qualification • Schoolchildren and Full Time Students |
Output Area (OA) Level | View this Release |
Health, Disability and Unpaid Care | • General Health • Long Term Health Problem or Disability • Provision of Unpaid Care |
Output Area (OA) Level | 19 January 2023 (TBC) |
Data will be available at national regional, and local authority level as a standard.
Data will also be released, where appropriate, at lower statistical geographies including Middle Super Output area (MSOA), Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) and Output Area (OA).
Output Areas (OAs) are the lowest level of geographical area for census statistics. There are 853 OA in Hull, each with an average of 132 households at the time of the last 2011 Census.
Lower Super Output Areas (LSOA) are a larger geographical area for census statistics. There are 166 LSOA in Hull, each with an average of 1,545 households at the time of the last 2011 Census.
Middle Super Output Areas (MSOA) are the largest geographical area for census statistics. There are 32 MSOA in Hull, each with an average of 3,519 households at the time of the last 2011 Census. Data at MSOA level cannot be aggregated up to higher geographies like wards.
Data will not originally be released by the Office for National Statistics at ward level. Ward level data will be added to each topic summary by the ONS on 25th January 2023 (TBC).
As they are released, each topic summary has its own dedicated page on the Data Observatory which can be accessed from the “2021 Census” menu in the sites main tool bar.
These pages contain, for each release:
• Headline results for Hull as a whole
• A key summary infographic(s) for Hull as a whole
• A link to the raw data directly from the ONS at lower geographies
• Maps of key Census variables at lower geographies
These summarise the high-level findings, under that topic, for Hull and compare to regional and / or national figures. They do not include any detailed analysis or narrative; but serve to provide an ‘at-a-glance’ overview of the latest socio-demographic characteristics.
All appropriate census data will then be automatically added to the Data Observatory.
Data will be added at all standard geographies provided by the Office for National Statistics (e.g. LSOA, LA, region and England).
Due to the volume of census data being released, there may be some delay between the data being published and being added to the data observatory (currently around 4 weeks). However, those requiring immediate access to the data will still be able to do so via the ONS website.
The ONS are not releasing data at ward level as part of the original topic summaries. However, where the data is available at Output Area (OA) level then the data observatory will use a best fit methodology to assign lower geographies to wards and make the data available in its ward profiles. Remaining ward data will be added when official ward data is released by the Office for National Statistics on 25th January 2023 (TBC).
Phase 2: Multivariate Data and More Detailed Analysis (From Spring 2023)
In Phase 2, the ONS will release multivariate data based on the usual resident population; allowing users to combine multiple variables and explore relationships between the data.
Users will be able to view and download standardised multivariate datasets or create their own, by selecting or changing different combinations of variables, classifications and geographies.
As multivariate data is made available in Phase 2, the Insight Team will produce a series of detailed census analyses based on data specific to Hull. The aim is that these will complement the published data; providing additional insight and cohesive narrative, helping users to better understand the needs of Hull residents, and informing decisions on future policy and services. These will be published via the Data Observatory.
The subjects of these analyses will be informed by the census results themselves, but we propose they include the following, to reflect proposed ONS UK level analyses:
1. Ageing
2. Demography
3. Education
4. Equalities
5. Ethnicity, nationality, language and religion
6. Health, disability and care
7. Housing
8. International migration
9. Labour market
10. Sexual orientation and gender identity
11. Travel to work
12. Veterans
It is likely that the first detailed analyses for Hull will be produced in Spring 2023 and made available vis the Data Observatory.
However each of these analysis proposals are subject to review following a period of user feedback, the exploration of published census data and other dependencies. Therefore further details regarding both content and publication timescales will be provided as census data is released.
The Insight Team will only be able to support with bespoke census data requests / analyses after these detailed ‘Hull focussed’ analyses have been produced. However, individuals will have self-service access to census data via both the Office for National Statistics website and the Data Observatory.
Phase 3: Alternative Population Bases (From Spring 2023)
Data in Phase 3 will focus on:
• Alternative population bases: These are different geographical locations where individuals could have been counted e.g. workplace, workday, out-of-term and short-term populations.
• Small populations: These are groups which are defined by their cultural background, including characteristics such as ethnic group, country of birth, religion and national identity e.g. gypsy and traveller.
• Origin-destination data: This describes the movement of people from one location to another e.g. migration flow, workplace flow / commuting, student flow.
• Microdata: Samples of anonymised records for individuals and households which include a selection of associated census characteristics.