The Hull Data Observatory has been updated with the following datasets:
December 2021 monthly and 12 monthly rolling average data was updated on the 31st of January.
Economy & Employment
Claimant Count (December 2021) was last updated on the 18th of January.
People in Universal Credit data for December 2021 is now available on the Data Catalog. The latest release was published on AGOL on the 20th of January.
The Annual Population Survey (APS) for Oct 2020 – Sep 2021 was published on the 20th of January. The APS is a residence-based labour market survey that collects information on population, economic activity (employment and unemployment), economic inactivity and qualifications. These are broken down where possible by gender, age, ethnicity, industry and occupation. Available at Local Authority level and above, this dataset is updated quarterly.
The Business Demographics Data for 2020 was published on the 10th of January.
Updated data on Journey Times to key services were published on 10th of January.